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Table 4 Effect on STV, DTZ, and their combinations on perfusate biomarker levels in IRI

From: Evaluation of cardioprotection and bio-efficacy enhancement of stevioside and diltiazem in rats


Perfusate level (U/L)



IRI control

17.08 ± 1.08

37.37 ± 1.23


22.46 ± 0.88**

51.39 ± 3.31***

STV 100

18.25 ± 0.62***

42.08 ± 3.13***

STV 200

16.97 ± 0.99***

30.12 ± 1.22***

STV 100 + DTZ

9.37 ± 1.30***ο

19.10 ± 1.15***οοο

STV 200 + DTZ

32.19 ± 2.97

72.44 ± 3.27

  1. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 8
  2. *P < 0.05
  3. **P < 0.01
  4. ***P < 0.001 when compared to IRI control
  5. οP < 0.05
  6. οοοP < 0.001 when compared to DTZ