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Table 3 Effect of STV, DTZ, and their combinations on electrocardiographic parameters in isoproterenol-induced myocardial infarction

From: Evaluation of cardioprotection and bio-efficacy enhancement of stevioside and diltiazem in rats


Heart rate

RR (ms)

QRS (ms)

QT (ms)

PR (ms)

Normal control

191.64 ± 7.39

187.96 ± 4.43

137.26 ± 3.31

196.51 ± 3.34

62.85 ± 4.59

ISO control

298.52 ± 10.83***

288.74 ± 4.26***

183.52 ± 2.98***

263.39 ± 3.65***

113.70 ± 3.89***


238.48 ± 7.15***###

254.8 ± 2.64***###

162.20 ± 1.56***##

220.86 ± 2.38***###

85.23 ± 2.11**###

STV 100

268.59 ± 14.73***###

261.83 ± 1.48***###

162.91 ± 2.97***##

234.06 ± 1.79***###

94.95 ± 1.11***##

STV 200

242.10 ± 9.47***###

253.45 ± 3.08***###

164.46 ± 2.92***##

218.12 ± 2.00**###

84.73 ± 1.15**###

STV 100+ DTZ

227.29 ± 4.38***###

249.40 ± 0.83***###

157.60 ± 1.35***###

220.24 ± 4.06**###

85.58 ± 2.78**###

STV 200 + DTZ

211.53 ± 5.96###οο

237.56 ± 1.78*###ο

146.47 ± 3.38###ο

199.73 ± 3.34###οο

68.70 ± 3.72###ο

  1. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM, n = 8
  2. *P < 0.05
  3. **P < 0.01
  4. ***P < 0.001 when compared to normal
  5. ##P < 0.01
  6. ###P < 0.001 when compared to ISO control
  7. οP < 0.05
  8. οοP < 0.01 when compared to DTZ