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Table 5 Effects of N. canescens EA fraction on liver antioxidant enzyme activities in alloxan-induced diabetic rats

From: Nelsonia canescens (Acanthaceae) aqueous extract and partitioned fractions ameliorates type-2 diabetes in alloxan-induced diabetic rats


Catalase (U/L)


Glutathione (U/L)

AQ 50 mg/kgbwt

85.17 ± 5.37a

35.56 ± 10.15ab

103.31 ± 6.14d

AQ 300 mg/kgbwt

162.22 ± 9.68b

42.90 ± 5.72b

86.18 ± 5.03c

EA 50 mg/kgbwt

153.38 ± 19.44a

55.45 ± 1.62c

92.06 ± 3.11d

EA 300 mg/kgbwt

188.13 ± 6.47b

46.48 ± 0.49b

85.24 ± 8.75c

ME 50 mg/kgbwt

204.00 ± 3.92bc

37.26 ± 1.55ab

67.41 ± 1.4a

ME 300 mg/kgbwt235.38

103.31 ± 2.97ab

75.09 ± 0.00d

65.29 ± 0.59a

Normal saline

168.62 ± 23.84b

23.32 ± 5.81a

63.82 ± 2.01a

Glibenclamide (5 mg/kgbwt)

235.38 ± 27.66c

47.91 ± 0.63b

76.41 ± 1.69b

Diabetic control

274.10 ± 16.76c

59.14 ± 17.83c

75.06 ± 1.15b

  1. Values are expressed in mean ± standard error of mean, n = 5. Values with the same superscript on the same column have no significant difference at p < 0.05
  2. Key: AQ = Aqueous extract, EA = Ethylacetate fraction, ME = Methanol fraction