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Table 3 Enzyme inhibitions potentials of Newbouldia laevis stem-bark extract

From: HPLC fingerprint of flavonoids, enzyme inhibition and antioxidant activity of Newbouldia laevis stem-bark: an in vitro and in silico study

Enzyme inhibition

100 mg/mL

200 mg/mL

300 mg/mL

500 mg/mL

Standard inhibitors (mg/mL)

Acetylcholinesterase (%)

58.12bA ± 0.15

63.62bA ± 1.04

52.59cA ± 1.08

62.17dA ± 0.27

89.76a ± 2.87


Butyrylcholinesterase (%)

60.38bB ± 0.90

71.08bB ± 0.18

64.30cB ± 0.32

89.71 dB ± 1.93

91.59a ± 1.18


Phospholipase A2 (%)

87.77bA ± 0.66

91.83bC ± 1.60

96.15cB ± 1.93

84.53 dB ± 1.44

94.76a ± 1.00


α-Glucosidase (%)

65.20bC ± 0.43

65.19bD ± 0.51

69.84cB ± 0.33

71.21cC ± 0.09

87.51a ± 0.39



55.66bC ± 1.17

59.85bC ± 2.13

66.82bC ± 1.04

60.82bC ± 0.39

79.52a ± 0.51


  1. Values were of triplicate tests, (mean ± standard error (SE); values with different lowercase are statistically significant (p < 0.05) compared to Standard inhibitors; values with different uppercase are statistically significant (p < 0.05) across concentrations