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Table 2 Description of critical care providers' response as regard enteral nutrition to the Patient

From: Assessment of barriers to optimum enteral nutrition practices as perceived by critical care providers

Items of the Barriers to enteral feeding questionnaire

Critical care providers

Physicians, mean, (S.D)

Clinical pharmacists, mean, (S.D)

Nurses, mean, (S.D)

A. Delivery of enteral Nutrition to the patient


1. Delay in physicians ordering the initiation of EN

1.67, (1.94)

3.83, (1.78)

0.87, (1.14)

2. Waiting for physician/radiology to read x-ray and confirm tube placement

1.33, (1.75)

0.90, (1.30)

3.3, (2.09)

3. Frequent displacement of feeding tube, requiring reinsertion

1.50, (1.33)

1.80, (1.37)

2.20, (1.54)

4. Delays in initiating motility agents in patients not tolerating enteral nutrition (i.e., high gastric residual volumes)

0.83, (0.91)

4.23, (1.87)

4, (2.1)

5. Delays and difficulties in obtaining small bowel access in patients not tolerating enteral nutrition (i.e., high gastric residual volumes)

2.03, (1.67)

1.70, (1.34)

1.93, (1.44)

6. In resuscitated, hemodynamically stable patients, other aspects of patient care still take priority over nutrition

4.27, (2.02)

4.50, (1.76)

3.73, (2.02)

7. Nutrition therapy not routinely discussed in patient care rounds

4.10, (1.56)

4.03, (2.22)

3.7, (1.62)

Total score of "Delivery of Enteral Nutrition"

15.73, (5.08)

21, (5.69)

19.73, (5.91)

B. Dietitian Support


1. Waiting for the dietitian to assess the patient

4.83, (1.44)

5.38, (0.86)

5.6, (0.97)

2. Dietitian not routinely present on weekday patient rounds

5.03, (1.3)

5.23, (1.28)

5.7, (0.65)

3. No or not enough dietitian coverage during evenings, weekends, and holidays

5.07, (1.31)

5.27, (1.28)

5.8, (0.41)

4. Not enough time dedicated to education and training on how to optimally feed patients

4.23, (1.92)

4.30, (1.51)

5.8, (0.41)

Total score of "Dietitian Support"

19.17, (4.64)

20, (3.87)

22.9, (1.83)

C. ICU Resources


1. Enteral formula not available on the unit

3.43, (1.7)

3.37, (1.97)

1.53, (1.96)

2. No or not enough feeding pumps on the unit

4.5, (1.72)

4.3, (1.68)

4.83, (1.68)

Total score of "ICU Resources"

7.93, (2.61)

7.67, (2.66)

6.37, (2.58)

D. Critical Care Providers' attitudes and behavior


1. Non-ICU physicians (i.e., surgeons, gastroenterologists) requesting patients not be fed enterally

4.8, (1.47)

4.53, (1.59)

2.67, (2.17)

2. Nurses failing to progress feeds as per the feeding protocol

4.03, (1.35)

3.23, (1.74)

0.87, (0.94)

3. EN being held due to diarrhea

2.63, (1.54)

3.67, (1.71)

2.07, (1.62)

4. Fear of adverse events due to aggressively feeding patients

1.1, (1.47)

1.83, (1.84)

0.87, (1.22)

5. Feeding being held too far in advance of procedures or operating room visits

4.73, (1.64)

4.8, (1.56)

5.43, (1.14)

6. Lack of familiarity with current guidelines for nutrition in the ICU

3.7, (1.82)

1.03, (1.88)

5.93, (0.25)

7. General belief among ICU team that provision of adequate nutrition does not impact on patient outcome

1.3, (1.29)

4.07, (1.7)

4.07, (1.76)

Total score of "Critical Care Providers' Attitudes"

22.3, (4.21)

23.17, (4.59)

21.9, (4.13)

Overall score

65.13, (11.33)

71.83, (10)

70.9, (8.55)