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Fig. 1 | Future Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Fig. 1

From: A comprehensive review comparing conventional versus traditional remedies in the treatment of endometriosis with futuristic insights

Fig. 1

An illustrative diagram representing the various factors causing endometriosis and the role of inflammation in its pathogenesis. Due to several factors including genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors, dysfunction of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis (HPA-axis) takes place following which the production of female reproductive hormones such as LH, FSH, Anti-mullein hormone (AMH), etc. becomes impaired leading to an imbalance ultimately resulting in the release of inflammatory markers due to initiation process of inflammation. This can lead to damage in the endometrial layer and result in the formation of endometrial lesions resulting in pelvic pain and enlargement of the endometrium causing Endometriosis

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