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Table 3 Currently ongoing clinical studies for the evaluation of herbal therapy in endometriosis

From: A comprehensive review comparing conventional versus traditional remedies in the treatment of endometriosis with futuristic insights

NCT number, current phase

Study design

Eligibility criteria

Arms of the study

Primary endpoints

NCT04493476, Phase II

A double-blind, prospective and placebo-regulated clinical trial to assess the response of combination therapy of Chinese herbal medicine and curcumin to lower the symptoms of endometriosis

Women having a confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis, women aged 18–45 years (reproductive age), no allergy to the ingredients of the intervention or the control

Intervention: Daily dietary dosing of Chinese medicine and curcumin given in the form of 800 mg capsules

Control: Placebo (Invo capsules given in daily dosing)

The overall benefit in the symptoms of the disease


A randomized, parallel assignment study of curcumin supplementation for endometriosis

Age above 18, patient with a diagnosis of pelvic inflammatory disease/Tubo ovarian abscess, surgical wound infection, endometritis

Intervention: Curcumin supplementation

Change in the Levels of C-reactive protein, change in the levels of white blood cells

NCT03875261, Phase II

A randomized, single-group assignment study to examine the response of the effect of Cannabinoid (CBD) on pain experienced by endometriosis patients

Women falling in the age group of 18 and 40, having a confirmed diagnosis of endometriosis with clinical investigations, suffering from symptoms of pain, dysmenorrhea, etc.

Intervention: Participants administered cannabinoid derivates dosing between 1 and 12 puffs. Each puff contained 2–7 mg of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinoland 2–5 mg of cannabidiol

Pressure threshold in hypogastrium that induces pain

NCT02676713, Phase II

A randomized, prospective, multicentric study to evaluate the efficacy of Decoction (Chinese herbal medicine to treat infertility) in endometriosis

Women having a clinical diagnosis of endometriosis, endometriosis fertility index (EFI) score greater than 4 points, firstly undergoing laparoscopic surgery, the female of reproductive age (18–45 years)

Intervention: Decoction (Bupleurum 10 g, Cyperus 10 g, Salvia miltiorrhiza 20 g, Red peony 10 g, etc.)

Placebo: Combination of maltodextrin, lactose, edible pigment, and taste masking agent

Pregnancy rate to an extent of six menstrual cycles

NCT04150406, Current phase not given

A multicentric, randomized clinical trial to evaluate the potency of Flexofytol in endometriosis

Women of reproductive age (18–51 years), diagnosed with endometriosis, moderate to severe pelvic pain

Intervention: Flexofytol (Curcumin 42 mg 2 capsules administered for 4 months)

Control: Placebo

Alteration in the baseline pain score

NCT number not given

A randomized, multicentric clinical trial to evaluate the effect of Ashokarishta, Ashwagandha Churna, and Praval Pishti in patients suffering from menopausal syndrome

Females of age 40–55 years, suffering from amenorrhea for a period of greater than 12 months, were willing to comply with the study requirements, providing written consent to be included in the study

Intervention: Ashokarishta (25 mL daily), Ashwagandha (3 g twice daily with milk), Praval Pishti (250 mg twice daily)

Control: Placebo

Improvement in the Menopausal rating scale (MRS), Incidences of adverse events (AEs)